January 22, 2013: Multiple Intelligences


Students will research Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences.

Students will critically think about their own preferences and talents.


Watch these video:



1) Research and find the Howard Garner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

2) List the intelligences and discuss what each of them means.

3) Pick the 3 you feel like relates to you best and discuss why.

4) Discuss how you think school could improve if school was taught by multiple intelligences.

35 thoughts on “January 22, 2013: Multiple Intelligences

  1. (Linguistic Intelligence) – Word Smart

    (Logical-mathematical Intelligence) – Number Smart

    (Visual-spatial Intelligence) – Picture Smart

    (Musical Intelligence) – Music Smart

    (Kinesthetic Learners) – Body Smart

    (Interpersonal Intelligence) -Communication People Smart

    (Intra-personal Intelligence) – Self awareness Self Smart

    (Naturalistic Intelligence) – Nature Smart

    I Have Musical Intelligence because i’ve been through a lot and i made mistakes making music so i gained knowledge and i can teach someone else.

    I can relate to Naturalistic intelligence because its really about nature i’ve been camping! I can survive you have to know your surroundings!

    Visual-spatial Intelligence the ability to understand the components of visual and spatial displays within the graphic like painting a picture!

  2. 2) Logical-mathematical-reasoning and numbers and critical thinking.

    Spatial-This area deals with spatial judgment and the ability to visualize with the mind’s eye.

    Linguistic-They are typically good at reading, writing, telling stories and memorizing words along with dates.

    Bodily-kinesthetic-are control of one’s bodily motions and the capacity to handle objects skillfully.

    Musical-This area has to do with sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, and music.

    Interpersonal-are characterized by their sensitivity to others’ moods, feelings, temperaments and motivations, and their ability to cooperate in order to work as part of a group.

    Intrapersonal-This refers to having a deep understanding of the self; what your strengths/ weaknesses are, what makes you unique, being able to predict your own reactions/emotions.

    Naturalistic-classifying natural forms such as animal and plant species and rocks and mountain types.

    Existential-Some proponents of multiple intelligence theory proposed spiritual or religious intelligence as a possible additional type.

    3) I feel that Music, logical-mathemtical. and linguistic are my favorite b/c I’m strong in those areas more.

  3. Bodily Kinesthetic- is a way of using the body to do hands on activities, and learn through physical activity. Use the body effectively.
    Visual Spatial- is a way of learning through seeing objects, and are very aware of the enviroment. Think in terms of space.
    Musical- is a way of learning through sound and rhythm. They tend to show sensitivity to rhythm and sound.
    Interpersonal- is a way to learn through communicating, and interacting with others. Understanding, interact with others.
    Intrapersonal- is a way to learn through independent study, and are more in tune with themselves. Understanding one’s own interests and goals.
    Linguistic- is a way of learning through saying and seeing words, like books. Use words effectively.
    Logical Mathematical- is a way of learning through logical games, investigating, and mysteries. They are reasoning and calculating.

  4. School could approve if school was taught by multiple intelligences because it would be a better learning environment, some students would become better learners.

  5. Linguistic Intelligence– Word Intelligence

    Logical-mathematical Intelligence – mathematic and number intelligence

    (Visual-spatial Intelligence) – Imagery Picture Intelligence

    (Musical Intelligence) – Music Intelligence

    (Kinesthetic Learners) – Body Athletic Intelligence

    (Interpersonal Intelligence) -Communication and talking intelligence

    (Intra-personal Intelligence) – Self Aware Intelligence

    (Naturalistic Intelligence) – Natural Intelligence

    I Have Musical Intelligence because I spend most of my day listening to music and I study it.

    I am visual spatial intelligent because I draw a lot and analyze a lot

    I am Kinda a kinetic learner because I exercise a lot

  6. Bodly kinestheti-lean by moving
    Interpersonal-learn by working with others
    Verbal linguistic-learn by taking notes and reading
    Logical mathematical-learn by working with numbers
    Intrapersonal-learn by working alone
    Visual spatial-artistic
    Musical-sing compos music
    Naturalist-make connections with nature

    Bodly kinestheti moving keeps my mind focused
    Interpersonal sometimes easier to learn with others
    Musical helps me learn

    Schools would benefit by this because students would learn better and more easier. This way of learn can improve the way the school works and teches kids by the way they learn best and the most.

  7. Bodily kinesthetic- learn best with body coordination.
    Interpersonal -learn best with other people communicate with others.
    Verbal linguistic- learn best by reading and research
    Logical mathematical – best at solving problems on their own
    Intrapersonal- learn best by working alone and they understand their own feelings.
    Visual spatial- learn best with artistic things.
    Musical- enjoy singing and playing musical instruments and compose music.
    Naturalistic- sensitive to the world around them

    Bodily kinesthetic relates to me. I’m involved in sports and I love being athletic.

    Musical relates to me as well. I play a musical instrument and I enjoy being musically talented.

    Interpersonal relates to me as well. I love helping people around me and communicating with other people.

    School would be improved if school was taught by multiple intelligences. The multiple intelligences that the students could possibly take them higher in life and it could take them far beyond their comfort zone.

  8. 8 Major Intelligence

    (Linguistic Intelligence) – Word Intelligence

    (Logical-mathematical Intelligence) – mathematic and number intelligence

    (Visual-spatial Intelligence) – Imagery Picture Intelligence

    (Musical Intelligence) – Music Intelligence

    (Kinesthetic Learners) – Body Athletic Intelligence

    (Interpersonal Intelligence) -Communication and talking intelligence

    (Intra-personal Intelligence) – Self Aware Intelligence

    (Naturalistic Intelligence) – Natural Intelligence

    I’m body kinesthetic because I’m more of an active person. I a rather do it myself than watch others, I’m also visual smart. I learn quicker by watching somebody do something then listening to them, I’m also logical mathematical because I’m very good with numbers.

    If school was taught by multiple intelligences it could improve kids because it a help them understand themselves better. As kids get older they find themselves doing things out of character trying to fit in with their peers. Multiple intelligence schools could eliminate this because the students you go to school with like and learn the same way as you.

  9. Intelligence- word intelligence
    Logical mathematical – good with numbers and like to do patterns
    Visual – imagery
    Kinesthetic – body athletic
    Intrapersonal- good working by yourself
    Interpersonal – good with commucating with people

    I only feel intrapersonal verbal visual relates to me

  10. Bodily kinesthestic- learn best by moving around
    Interpersonal- learn best by working with others
    Verbal linguistic- learn best by reading, taking notes, or listening
    Logical mathematical- learn best by working with numbers, figuring patterns and problem solving
    Intrapersonal- learn best by working alone
    Visual spatial- artistic learners
    Musical- singing, instrumental, composing music learners
    Naturalistic- sensitive to their surroundings

    I think I learn best through interpersonal, verbal linguistic, and intrapersonal because I hate the quite, I like working with others that I know, and most of the time I like working alone.

    I think school will improve if they taught through multiple intelligences because it will be a more comfortable better environment for the students.

  11. 1- bodily kinesthethetic- which this learning style learn best by movement, dancing sports these learners will be good at

    2-intapersonal-best works with group, work well with others learn best in groups.

    3-verbal lingustic-work best by taking notes reading and do self studying.

    4-logical mathematical-good with numbers and problem solving

    5-interpersonal -knows they self well have personal set goals and is self motivated.

    6-visual spatial- problem solvers good with riddles and puzzles

    7-musical- good with music instruments and bands.

    8-naturalistic-good with nature and get really involved with the outdoors.

    2 I’m a interpersonal type of person I know what I want t do in life and I’m very self motivated. It drive me. Another one I could be is a bodily kinesthethetic because I learn great with movements I’m a hands on person.

    3 with these different types of learning styles you could open up to a variety group of kids, if we all had the same brain we will be able to learn the same kind of way, but that’s not the case, that’s why this theory should be carried out thorught the schools so we all could learn fast and properly.

  12. Intelligence- word intelligence
    Logical mathematical – good with numbers and like to do patterns
    Visual – imagery
    Kinesthetic – body athletic
    Intrapersonal- good working by yourself
    Interpersonal – good with commucating with people

    I think that imagery relates to me most because in the future I want to be a makeup artist

  13. Intelligence- word intelligence
    Logical mathematical – good with numbers and like to do patterns
    Visual – imagery
    Kinesthetic – body athletic
    Intrapersonal- good working by yourself
    Interpersonal – good with commucating with people

    I think that imagery relates to me most because in the future I want to be a makeup artist

  14. Bodily kinesthetic- learn best with body coordination.
    Interpersonal -learn best with other people communicate with others.
    Verbal linguistic- learn best by reading and research
    Logical mathematical – best at solving problems on their own
    Intrapersonal- learn best by working alone and they understand their own feelings.
    Visual spatial- learn best with artistic things.
    Musical- enjoy singing and playing musical instruments and compose music.
    Naturalistic- sensitive to the world around them

    Bodily kinesthetic relates to me. I’m involved in sports and I love being athletic.

    Musical relates to me as well. I play a musical instrument and I enjoy being musically talented.

    Interpersonal relates to me as well. I love helping people around me and communicating with other people.

    School would be improved if school was taught by multiple intelligences. The multiple intelligences that the students could possibly take them higher in life and it could take them far beyond their comfort zone.

  15. I want to say that interpersonal, bodily kinsthetic, and musically b/c I like to work with others, move around and I love music. So I feel those are the best ones for me.

    School would improve a lot more b/c these ways would help the students want to learn a lot more.

  16. 1.Bodily Kinestetic – good at sport acting and moving around doing different things

    2. Interpersonal-seeing people to learn how to work well or talking in small groups

    3. Verbal Linguistic- people learn best by reading and taking notes

    4. Logical Mathmatical- good at math and solving problems

    5. Intrapersonal- people who work alone and have good understanding about them self and understand there on feeling

    6. Visual Spatical – good at solving puzzle

    7. Musical- sing playing drums and learning new things

    8. Naturalic- involve around the world

    The three that I feel that best to me is bodily Kinestetic,interpersonal, and musical because I sing play many different sport and I learn best by working in small groups

    If the school had multiple intelligences I think that we would do great things in life when we leave high school.

  17. 1- bodily kinesthethetic- which this learning style learn best by movement, dancing sports these learners will be good at

    2-intapersonal-best works with group, work well with others learn best in groups.

    3-naturalistic-good with nature and get really involved with the outdoors.

    3-verbal lingustic-work best by taking notes reading and do self studying.

    4-logical mathematical-good with numbers and problem solving

    5-interpersonal -knows they self well have personal set goals and is self motivated.

    6-visual spatial- problem solvers good with riddles and puzzles

    7-musical- good with music instruments and bands.

    I very good in sports and working well with others. I also enjoy going outside in my home state Tennessee to discover animals and their habitat. I like playing football which is a team sport and I also enjoy Wreastling because it’s just you out their and the only person that can mess up is you.
    Follow me on Twitter….@CMONEY10100…..Xbox live…RAMPAGE BRUHH,,,DAWG TEAM…:)

  18. 1. Bodily Kinesthetic- Learn Best By Being Active & moving Around! They enjoy dancing, acting, sports & Other active activities.

    Interpersonal- Work well With Others, Working In groups & can understand others & Their feelings as well.

    Verbal Linguistic- Learn best with listening, reading, taking notes, & Good with words written OR spoken.

    Logical Mathematics- Enjoys word problems, riddles and patterns, work well with numbers

    Intrapersonal- understand Their own feelings, & are Very patient, work alone with motivations.

    Visual Spatial- Artistic, enjoy working with art.

    Musical- singing, using instruments, & Composing music.

    Naturalistic- making connections with nature

    2. My intelligence is Interpersonal, Because I Enjoy Acting, Dancing, Things That Have Motivation.
    3. School could improve being taught in multiple intelligence because it would open a variety of learning groups, & everyone will be learning at their own pace.

  19. -Multhiple intelligences
    We are all unique we each have strenths differences howard gardnan he came up withthe theary of multiple intelligences there are 8 marjor intelligences
    -Bodily kinesthetic
    People learn best by getting up and moving around they usally good at sports dancing might like act or perfroming or buliding things
    Some people learn best by working with others,they work wellin groups and really understand other people feelings
    -Verbal linguistic
    These people learn best by reading,taking notes,or writing
    These people perfor to work alone they understand they own feelings
    -Visual spatial
    These people often speek well and are also good at solving puzzles
    These people injoy singing,playing instruments
    These people are obseruant of the world around them

  20. 1 . Linguistic Intelligence – word intelligence
    2. Logical -mathematical
    3. Intelligence -mathematical and number intelligence .
    4. (Visual-spatial intelligence) imagery picture intelligence .
    5. Kinesthetic learner a smart body .
    6. Athlethic intelligence

  21. Logical-mathematical-reasoning and numbers and critical thinking.

    Spatial-This area deals with spatial judgment and the ability to visualize with the mind’s eye.

    Linguistic-They are typically good at reading, writing, telling stories and memorizing words along with dates.

    Bodily-kinesthetic-are control of one’s bodily motions and the capacity to handle objects skillfully.

    Musical-This area has to do with sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, and music.

    Interpersonal-are characterized by their sensitivity to others’ moods, feelings, temperaments and motivations, and their ability to cooperate in order to work as part of a group.

    Intrapersonal-This refers to having a deep understanding of the self; what your strengths/ weaknesses are, what makes you unique, being able to predict your own reactions/emotions.

    Naturalistic-classifying natural forms such as animal and plant species and rocks and mountain types.

    Existential-Some proponents of multiple intelligence theory proposed spiritual or religious intelligence as a possible additional type.

    I am a interpersonal learner, a naturalistic learner, and a bodily kinesthetic learner because I’m active and I love nature also I like dealing with interesting people in group practice.

    Students could learn they like to and feel more comfortable with what they’re learning.

  22. -Bodily kinesthetic- Learn best with body coordination.

    -Interpersonal -Learn best with other people communicate with others.

    -Verbal linguistic- Learn best by reading and research.

    -Logical mathematical – Best at solving problems on their own.

    -Intrapersonal- Learn best by working alone and they understand their own feelings.

    -Visual spatial- Learn best with artistic things.

    -Musical- Enjoy singing and playing musical instruments and compose music.

    -Naturalistic- Sensitive to the world around them.

    -Bodily kinesthetic relates to me. I’m involved in sports and I am athletic.

    -Musical relates to me as well. I play a musical instrument and I enjoy being musically talented such as singing, rapping , and writing songs .

    -Interpersonal relates to me as well. I enjoying helping people and others around me and communicating with other people.

    School would be improved if school was taught by multiple intelligences. The multiple intelligences that the students could possibly take them higher in life and it could take them far beyond their comfort zone into a new level over there life .

  23. Bodily kinesthetic: move around

    Interersonal: work with other

    Logical mathematics: good with work with number

    Intrapersonal: like work by they self

    Visual spatial:artistic

    Musical: songs

    Nature a listic: learn best when work with natur

    2 my intelligence is interpersonal, because I enjoy acting,daceing,things that have motivation

    3school could improve being taught in multiple intelligence because it would open a variety of learning groups, & everyone will be Learning at their own pace.

  24. Bodily- Kinesthetic: learn best by hands on
    Interpersonal: learn best by working with other
    Verbal Linguistic: learn best by reading
    Logical mathematical: learn best by solving problems and working with numbers
    Intrapersonal: work by them self
    Virtual spatial: good at solving puzzles
    Musical: enjoy singing
    Naturalistic: learn best when they can make connections to the earth

  25. Body kinesthetic :get up and works out

    interpersonal :works good with others

    Verbal linguistic : reading and taking notes

    Logical mathematical :working with puzzles and logical puzzles

    Intapersonal:works better alone

    Virtual sputal :artistic

    Musical: singing

    Naturalistic :sensitive with nature

  26. Bodily- Kinesthetic: learn best by hands on
    Interpersonal: learn best by working with other
    Verbal Linguistic: learn best by reading
    Logical mathematical: learn best by solving problems and working with numbers
    Intrapersonal: work by them self
    Virtual spatial: good at solving puzzles
    Musical: enjoy singing
    Naturalistic: learn best when they can make connections to the earth

    I’m more of a bodily kin esthetic person. I like to work hands on, and be active, that’s just the type of person I am.

    If school was taught by multiple intelligences, it could improve kids because it will help them understand themselves better. As kids get older they find themselves doing things out of character trying to fit in with their peers. Multiple intelligence schools could eliminate this because the students you go to school with like and learn the same way as you.

  27. Body Kinesthetic: body smart
    Interpersonal: work well in groups
    Verbal Linguistic: good with the kind of words that are read or written
    Logical Mathematical: people who like to solve problems
    Intrapersonal: understand their own feelings and know theirselves very well
    Musical: music lover
    Naturalistic: nature lover and very good at observation
    Visual Spatial: like to draw

  28. Bodily-Kinesthetic, Intrapersonal, and Visual-Spatial because they describe who I’m am.
    It would probably improve a lot because people being taught the way they want to be taught.

  29. 1) Research and find the Howard Garner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

    Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences states not only do human beings have several different ways of learning and processing information, but these methods are relatively independent of one another: leading to multiple “intelligences” as opposed to a general intelligence factor among correlated abilities.

    2) List the intelligences and discuss what each of them means.
    intelligences mean about something different in a way
    including abstrast thought understand self awareness.
    3) Pick the 3 you feel like relates to you best and discuss why.

    4) Discuss how you think school could improve if school was taught by multiple intelligences if our school taught by mulitple intelligences i think it a good idea to do beacuse it would help the kids to understand there learing and also show them what the world intelligences mean.

  30. 1) Research and find the Howard Garner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.

    2) List the intelligences and discuss what each of them means.
    The first intelligences is Bodily Kinesthetic, usually good at sports. Then their is Interpersonal,learn fast by working with others. VERBAL Linguistic they learn fast by reading and taking notes.Logical MathMatical good at working with numbers.Intrapersonal they like to work alone. Visual Spatial artistic. Musical enjoy singing and playing instruments.

    3) Pick the 3 you feel like relates to you best and discuss why.
    Body Kinestheic because im good at sports, Interpersonal i learn best working with others, Musical enjoy playing instruments.

    4) Discuss how you think school could improve if school was taught by multiple intelligences.idk

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