Wednesday-Friday, Novmeber 7-9, 2012: Tier 2 Vocabulary & “The Face of War”

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“This is a Face of War”

Critical Reading

Reading Strategies-Applied Communications



Students will study Tier 2 Vocabulary Words and utilize them for understanding.

Students will read for summarzing and vocabulary exploration.

Students will connect to the text.

Tier 2 Vocabulary:



1)      What appalls you about this world?  Why?

2)      Describe a time when you have been taunted by another person.  

Before Your Read:

1)      A scar is a mark left by an injury.   How can a scar be both visible and invisible?

2)      Tell me about a scar that you have.  Is it visible?  How could it also be invisible?

Link to video: “The Face of War”

 Link to article: “The Face of War”

“This is a Face of War”=   Read each section and make a summary statement about each section.  Find words you didn’t know and put them in the vocabulary section.  Use context clues to help you find out the meaning of each word.  Note the meaning next to the word.


This section is mostly about…..





Engulfed in Flames:

This section is mostly about….







Surgery Fatigue:


This section is mostly about:





Operation Mend Begins:


This section is mostly about:




A Remarkable Difference:

This section is mostly about:




96 thoughts on “Wednesday-Friday, Novmeber 7-9, 2012: Tier 2 Vocabulary & “The Face of War”

  1. 1. Demanding; She was described as very bossy and demanding.
    2. Decline; It’s your choice to accept or decline.
    3. Present; Everyone in class is present today.
    4. Immigrate; The foreigners decided to immigrate to America.
    5. Prepaid: A prepaid phone is less expensive than having a contract.
    6. Illustrate; My passion is to illustrate books for children.
    7. Vision; I have very bad eye vision.
    8. Provided: My mother and father provided me with everything I need to survive.
    9. Subdivide; The town subdivided into smaller pieces called subdivisions.
    10. Repainted; He repainted the whole room.
    11. Disagree; I strongly disagree with his decision.
    12. Survival; I need to work on my survival skills in case something drastic happens.
    13. Centennial; We celebrated the centennial anniversary of the establishment of McDonald’s.
    14. Unusual; The things she tended to do were very unusual.
    15. Reprinting; I got sick of reprinting the same papers over and over because of the lack of ink in the printer.

  2. 1. Demanding… My mother is vey demanding.
    2. Decline… My application to work with my uncle was declined.
    3. Resent… I resent my friend a request on Facebook.
    4. Immigrate… My mexacan friend is a immigrate, she is origanaly from mexio.
    5. Prepaid… My little sister has a prepaid cellphone.
    6. Illustrate… I need someone to illistrate my new children’s book.
    7. Mission… My mission is to take out the trash befor dark.
    8. Divided… The class is divided into four sections.
    9. Undivided… The other class was undivided though.
    10. Unpaint… I had to Unpaint the walls.
    11. Disagree… I disagree with the rules that were made yesterday.
    12. Revival… The church revival lasted a week.
    13. Biennial… I cut my hair once every biennial.
    14. Unusual… I have unusual pet.
    15. Reprinting… I’m reprinting the papers right now.

    • 1) I am appalled by the violence that we hails in this world today.
      2) Last night my little brother taunted me about me losing the game.

  3. I am appalled by the number of predators in this world because it’s not hard to find someone a legal age.

    I’ve been taunted about my braces, but I could care less because they cost more than everyone’s wardrobe summed up to a year.

  4. 1. The police was demanding the fugitive to turn his self in.
    2. He decline my offer after going through my work.
    3. The mail man resent the mail to the owner.
    4. The immigrate had came from a long away country.
    5. This guy had a prepaid phone on the parking lot.
    6. The man had to illustrate the picture to us.
    7. The basketball session was coming to a end.
    8. The citizens provided the homeless with food.
    9. He divided us into groups.
    10.The man mispainted the picture wrong.
    11. The man disagreed to my opinion.
    12. The survival program was about one hour long.
    13. The guy used his anennial to get in.
    14. I had this weird visual in my eyes.
    15. He misprinted the pictures wrong.

  5. 1.) De- manding/ No one listens to the demand Mr. Simpson made.
    2.) De- cline/ The girl was decline from getting food stamps.
    3.) Un- sent/ My message was not sent so, it was save to the unsent box.
    4.) Im- migrate/ The Afriacans immigrated into America, from West Africa.
    5.) Re- paid/ I was repaid for outstanding performance at the zoo.
    6.) Il-Iustrate/ The illustration in the book excited the baby.
    7.)Mis-sion/ My sister sent me on a bunk mission on my birthday.
    8.)Non-vived/ How he held the poster it was no vived to see.
    9.)De- divide/ I divided 2 and 6 and I got 3.
    10.)Re-painted/ I reprinted my room pink and purple.
    11.)Dis-agree/ I disagreed to what my mother was saying and I told her that.
    12.)Re-vival/ When I went on the church revival it was full of excitement.
    13.)Bi-ennial/ People go to the dentist every biennially.
    14.)Un-usual/ What he said was very unusual where we live.
    15.)Un-printing/ The copies started to unprint when I pressed cancel.

  6. 1) you may see the scar in light,but if you coverit up with make up it can make it hard to notice.
    2) I have a big scar on my leg from when I was 6 and fell on he ground, now I put coca butter on it so it can make it invisible.

  7. Demanding- My BestFriend Bria demanding me to get her something from McDonald’s .
    Disagree – I disagree with my mom because she wanted to go to the mall and I waned to go out to eat .
    Reprinting – I have to reprint my pictures over because the paper didn’t come out of the printer.
    Repainted – I reprinted my whole room because my dad colored it blue but I painted it purple.
    Resent – I had to resent a message to my friend Bria because the message didn’t go threw .

  8. Demanding
    My cousin Dakesha took me to the store and demanded me to buy her something.
    I tryed to text my friend but it didn’t send so,I had to resend my text message.
    Dakesha wanted to go to the pool,but I wanted to go to the park we always disagree on things.
    I went to the store and I went to go buy some boots,but the man that was checking my out he told me my card was decline.
    I wrote a book and I illustrated it by Brakell

  9. 1. I was appalled to the discussion.
    2. People taunted him because of what he said.

    1. Nothing because I don’t care.
    2. I was never taunted.

  10. I was appalled by the actions of some teachers today……. -_- wonder why 2012 vote
    My older cousin taunted me to fight him

  11. 1: Demanding: My mom was demanding me to eat the nasty cake.
    2: Decline: I went to the clothing store and my card was decline
    3: resent: I had resent the text because it didn’t go through
    4:immigrate: Osama bidlandon was a immigrate from pacastan.
    5:prepaid:Angy got prepaid for the extra work she did before her actual pay day.
    6:illustrate: The class had to illustrate the first chapter of the book for a grade.
    7:Conclusion: The class had to come up with a conclusion to end the play.
    8: provided: The Mexican grill also provided American snacks for desert.
    9:redivide: I had to redivide the snacks for th kids because one had more than the others.
    10:overpainted: I overpainted the sky blue so the sky looked black.
    11:disagree: I personally disagree with the no cell phone rule at school.
    12:survival: I use to watch the show survival everyday before school.
    13:biennial: My sister is the definition of biennial she never really comes home to visit the family.
    14:unusual: The smell of the candle was a very unusual scent.
    15:reprinting: The copy’s of the homework were reprinting in the office.

  12. 1. The dad was demanding his son to rake the yard.
    2. Will you accept or decline the offer?
    3. He resent the package back to the house.
    4. His father Chad had also immigrated from China.
    5. She prepaid the cellular phone.
    6. He illustrated the book.
    7. Part three of the session was over.
    8. They provided food for the homeless.
    9. He subsided the triangle.
    10.She reprinted the paper because it didn’t print the first time.
    11. I disagreed on the topic we were on.
    12. The “Survival of The Finest” was a great movie.
    13. A perennial habit of many college students is to go away on spring break vacation.
    14. The things that boy did was just unusual
    15. He reprinted the paper because it didn’t come out right.

  13. 1. Demanding- calling for attention
    2. Decline- refuse with courtesy
    3. Absent-away or not present
    4. Immigrate- to come to a country of
    5. Unpaid- working without paid
    6. Illustrate- to clear

  14. 1.Demanding- the teacher is very demanding

    2.Decline-the hill declined as I went down


    4.Antimigrate- we antimigrated from st.louis

    5.Prepaid-the prepaid credit card was useful

  15. Demanding- DeAndre is a demanding person.
    Incline- The picture on the wall was a bit inclined.
    Absent- Toby was absent from school this week.
    Emigrate- The two French brothers emigrated France and went to live in Africa.
    Unpaid- The trip to Brazil is unpaid for.
    Illustrated- The artist Illustrated the book Never Ever.
    Mission- Charity mission was to save the life of her brother.
    Provided-The president of the slot provided information of the group.
    Undivided- The United States is an undivided nation.
    Unpainted- We still have to finish the unpainted wall.

    • 1.demanding

  16. Demanding: He is very demanding…
    Decline: Do you accept or Decline the offer?
    Present: Everbody was present today…
    Immigrate: people immigrate to the U.S.
    Prepaid: all prepaid phones are wack…
    Vision: Do you see the vision?

    • 1.Demanding: Ms.Willams is very demanding.
      2.Decline: Do you decline the foul.
      3.Present:Present your life in a movie.
      4.Immigrate:The immigrate came from Mexico.
      5.Prepaid:I prepaid my phone bill.
      6.Illustrate: My uncle illustrate a book.
      7.Provison: What dose provsion means in real life reality terms.
      8.Divided: On that problem I divided 3 from 8.
      9.Undivided: Life is like a undivided country.
      10.Unpainted:We will have to attend to the Unpainted wall tomorrow.
      11.DIsagree:The teachers disagree with my actions.
      14.Unusual:My family is unusual when it comes to life.

  17. 1. Demanding; She was described as very bossy and demanding.
    2. Decline; It’s your choice to accept or decline.
    3. Present; Everyone in class is present today.
    4. Immigrate; The foreigners decided to immigrate to America.
    5. Prepaid: A prepaid phone is less expensive than having a contract.
    6. Illustrate; My passion is to illustrate books for children.
    7. Vision; I have very bad eye vision.
    8. Provided: My mother and father provided me with everything I need to survive.
    9. Subdivide; The town subdivided into smaller pieces called subdivisions.
    10. Repainted; He repainted the whole room.
    11. Disagree; I strongly disagree with his decision.
    12. Survival; I need to work on my survival skills in case something drastic happens.
    13. Centennial; We celebrated the centennial anniversary of the establishment of McDonald’s.
    14. Unusual; The things she tended to do were very unusual.
    15. Reprinting; I got sick of reprinting the same papers over and over because of the lack of ink in the printer.

  18. 1.) De- manding/ No one listens to the demand Mr. Clifton made.
    2.) De- cline/ The girl was decline from getting food stamps.
    3.) Un- sent/ My message was not sent so, it was save to the unsent box.
    4.) Im- migrate/ The Afriacans immigrated into America, west Africa.
    5.) Re- paid/ I was repaid for a good job at work.
    6.) Il-Iustrate/ The illustration was great for a boring movie.
    7.)Mis-sion/ My sister sent me on a bunk mission on my birthday.
    8.)Non-vived/ How he held the poster it was no vived to see.
    9.)De- divide/ I dedivided the people from our group.
    10.)Re-painted/ I had to reprint my room because the inspection was coming up.
    11.)Dis-agree/ I disagreed to what my mother was saying and I told her that.
    12.)Re-vival/ When I went on the church revival it was full of excitement.
    13.)Bi-ennial/ Every biennially I go to the store.
    14.)Un-usual/ What he said was very unusual about his dog and all.
    15.)Printing/ I printed 50 copies and handed them out to my students.

  19. Demanding : The dad was very demanding.
    Decline: He tried to withdraw some money but it declined.
    Present: I had to present my project today.
    Immigrate: Back in the days , they used to immigrate.
    Prepaid : Most people have a prepaid card .
    Illustrate: Tom illustrated this artwork
    Vision : One of the things you need is vision.
    Divided : I divided the apples from the oranges
    Subdivided: Most people houses are subdivided.
    Unpainted : the wall was unpainted
    Disagree : me and her disagree .
    Revival : the man needed revival
    Sentennial : they had a senntenninal
    Unusual : that was unusual .
    Preprinting : they had to set up to preprinting

    • Demanding : The dad was very demanding.
      Decline: He tried to withdraw some money but it declined.
      Present: I had to present my project today.
      Immigrate: Back in the days , they used to immigrate.
      Prepaid : Most people have a prepaid card .
      Illustrate: Tom illustrated this artwork.
      Vision : One of the things you need is vision.
      Divided : I divided the apples from the oranges.
      Subdivided: Most people houses are subdivided.
      Unpainted : the wall was unpainted
      Disagree : me and her disagree .
      Revival : the man needed revival.
      Sentennial : they had a senntenninal.
      Unusual : that was unusual .
      Preprinting : they had to set up to preprinting.

  20. 14. Unusual – The color of the computer screen was very unusual, we needed to get it fixed.
    15. Imprinting – In the mail room we had to keep imprinting the envelopes.

  21. 1.Demanding:Everybody is very demanding.2.Decline:my card was decline yesterday.3.present:I’m present to class everyday.4.immigrate:Alot of people don’t know what the word immigrate means.5.prepaid:I have a prepaid card in my wallet.6.illustrate:I want to illustrate a book one vision is good as I know so far but I need to go to the eye doctor to see if it’s still true.8.provided:I provided food for my cousins when I had money.9.subdivide:I don’t know what subdivide means.10.disagree:I disagree with a lot of things that my love ones do but I still love them.11.survival:it was a lot of survivals from 9/11.11.centennial:We see centennial celebrations everyday.unusual:it’s very unusual for your boyfriend to come home late if they don’t have a job.reprinting:reprenting all these papers is a lot.

  22. Appalled – Mitt Romney trying to get rid of Seasme Street really appalled me, because a lot of children watch that show growing up.
    Taunted – My brother Jermon always taunts me because he can drive and has a car and I’m not allowed to yet.

  23. Demanding: She was very demanding.
    Decline: My credit card was decline.
    Present: The class was not present yesturday.
    Remigrate: During the war we had to Remigrate.
    Mispaid: I was mispaid yesturday when I went to the store.
    Illustrate: He had to illustrate the book.
    Mission: I was on a mission yesturday.
    Undivide: She needs our undivided attention.
    Mispainted: We mispainted the wrong wall.
    Disagree: I disagree with the class.
    Survival: There is a show called survival.
    Centennial: The centennial of the city was celebrated with a perade.
    Unusual: It is very unusual for a dog to speak English.
    Reprinting: The paper was reprinting.

  24. 1. Demanding- I am demanding most of the time.
    2. Decline- Your credit card has been declined.
    3. Resent- I resent that message to you earlier.
    4. Immigrate- Look at those immigrates.
    5. Prepaid- A lot of people prepaid their phone today.
    6. Illustrate- I love to illustrate pictures for my friends.
    7. Mission- I’m going to be one a mission this summer.
    8. Provided- My mom provided us food money etc.
    9. Undivided- I need your undivided attention.
    10. Unpainted- My room is going to stay unpainted for a while.
    11. Disagree- Me and my mom have disagreements all the time.
    12. Revival- School sprit was really low so we had a pep rally to revive the sprit.
    13. Biennial- My brother is biennial he never come visit anymore.
    14. Unusual- I went in the restroom after someone and the smell was unusual.
    15. Reprinted- The copy’s of the homework were reprinting in the office.

  25. 1. Demanding – My momma is very demanding.
    2.Decline- She got decline from the dance program.
    3. Present – I present my presentation today.
    4. Immigrate – The foregin decided immigrate to America.
    5.Prepaid- I had prepaid four years ago.
    6. Illustrate- My passion is to illustrate books for children.
    7. Vision- My vision is bad.
    8.Provided- I get provided with food & shelter.
    10. Repainted – I Repainted my room a different color .. Every two years.
    11.Disagree- I disagree with the comment that the student made.
    12. Survival- I use to watch survival shows.
    13.Centennial- We celebrated the centennial anniversary of the establishment of Burger King.
    14.Unusal- I was tired of the Unusal behavior .
    15.Reprinting-I had to do a lot of reprinting.

  26. 1.) Demanding-We was demanding 4 more years from Barrack Obama.
    2.) Decline-There was a pop up ad for perfumes on my computers I decline it.
    3.) Resent-The mailman didn’t mail are package to the right place so so we resent it back to the post office.
    4.) Immigrate-My parents immigrated to the united state before I was born.
    5.) Prepaid-The hat I bought online the shipping was free but we had to prepaid for the jacket.
    6.)Illustrate-We had illustrated that I was a herb scientist in the future.
    7.) Vision-My vision for my future is to move to Amsterdam when I graduate high school.

  27. My mother is so demanding
    My daddy’s credit card was declined when I swiped it

    Alot of kids immigrate to the United States

    My uncle has a prepaid credit card for personal things

    Illustrate :my favorite author illustrates good books

    Provision: I always wondered what provision ment in real life terms

    Provided: my teacher provided all of our class materials

    Undivided : the teacher wanted the kids undivided attention during there study session

    Reprinted : our class repainted the piece twice

    Disagree :me and my mom disagree on everything when it comes to the house rules

    Survival: survival is the most important key in life

    Perennial : what does this mean

    Unusual : I always get this unusual feeling that my phone is going to find in water

    Reprinting : the papers were reprinting on there own akward

  28. Taunted: To provoke or challenge.
    Appalled : greatly Dismay or horrify.
    1) how much we are in debt appalls me.
    2) I was taunted plenty f times in basketball games.

  29. My mother is a very demanding person.

    They decline my credit card when I don’t have any money on it.

    I had resent the email three times but it still didn’t go thru.

    In the 1800s there were very many immigrates in U.S.

    I had lost my prepaid visa card two days ago but I found it.

    I illlustrate my own pictures for my books and comics.

    A lot of home invasions happen everyday.

    My teacher always asks for my undivided attention.

    My car was mispainted a color I hatted.

    I disagree that Mitt Romney deserved to be president.

    You need to have survival skills if you want to travel around the world.

    What word would

  30. 1. Demanding; She was described as very bossy and demanding.
    2. Decline; It’s your choice to accept or decline.
    3. Present; Everyone in class is present today.
    4. Immigrate; The foreigners decided to immigrate to America.
    5. Prepaid: A prepaid phone is less expensive than having a contract.
    6. Illustrate; My passion is to illustrate books for children.
    7. Vision; I have very bad eye vision.
    8. Provided: My mother and father provided me with everything I need to survive.
    9. Subdivide; The town subdivided into smaller pieces called subdivisions.
    10. Repainted; He repainted the whole room.
    11. Disagree; I strongly disagree with his decision.
    12. Survival; I need to work on my survival skills in case something drastic happens.
    13. Centennial; We celebrated the centennial anniversary of the establishment of McDonald’s.
    14. Unusual; The things she tended to do were very unusual.
    15. Reprinting; I got sick of reprinting the same papers over and over because of the lack of ink in the printer.

  31. Me Michael says
    1. My dad is so demanding he told my teachers to make me sit in the front of the class.
    2. He decline my offer after going through my work.
    3. The mail man resent the mail to the owner.
    4. The immigrate had came from a long away country.
    5. This guy had a prepaid phone on the parking lot.
    6. The man had to illustrate the picture to us.
    7. The basketball session was coming to a end.
    8. The citizens provided the homeless with food.
    9. He divided us into groups.
    10.The man mispainted the picture wrong.
    11. The man disagreed to my opinion.
    12. The survival program was about one hour long.
    13. The guy used his anennial to get in.
    14. I had this weird visual in my eyes.
    15. He misprinted the pictures wrong

    P.S I did not copy or paste this from anybody if you u can check thank you

  32. Demanding-Demanding is what my sister is
    1: Demanding: My mom was demanding me to eat the nasty cake.
    2: Decline: I went to the clothing store and my card was decline
    3: resent: I had resent the text because it didn’t go through
    4:immigrate: Osama bidlandon was a immigrate from pacastan.
    5:prepaid:Angy got prepaid for the extra work she did before her actual pay day.
    6:illustrate: The class had to illustrate the first chapter of the book for a grade.
    7:Conclusion: The class had to come up with a conclusion to end the play.
    8: provided: The Mexican grill also provided American snacks for desert.
    9:redivide: I had to redivide the snacks for th kids because one had more than the others.
    10:overpainted: I overpainted the sky blue so the sky looked black.
    11:disagree: I personally disagree with the no cell phone rule at school.
    12:survival: I use to watch the show survival everyday before school.
    13:biennial: My sister is the definition of biennial she never really comes home to visit the family.
    14:unusual: The smell of the candle was a very unusual scent.
    15:reprinting: The copy’s of the homework were reprinting in the off

  33. demanding-the teacher was very demanding
    Decline- her credit card was decline
    Present- he had to present his report
    Immigrate – my parents told me my ancestors had to immigrate
    Prepaid- her credit card was prepaid
    Illustrate -the art teacher was told to illustrate
    Illusion-the drawing was an optical illusion
    Divided- I divided the book in half
    Undivide- the plates under the earth were to undivide
    Repainted- the painting was repainted because of a stratch
    Disagree- I had to disagree with Romney
    Survival- we had to count on survival on the island
    Centennial – I celebrated the centennial celebration of the wedding
    Unusual- it was unusual for her to be sad
    Reprinting- my paper is reprinting because it got jammed.

  34. 1. Demanding; She was described as very bossy and demanding.
    2. Decline; It’s your choice to accept or decline.
    3. Present; Everyone in class is present today.
    4. Immigrate; The foreigners decided to immigrate to America.
    5. Prepaid: A prepaid phone is less expensive than having a contract.
    6. Illustrate; My passion is to illustrate books for children.
    7. Vision; I have very bad eye vision.
    8. Provided: My mother and father provided me with everything I need to survive.
    9. Subdivide; The town subdivided into smaller pieces called subdivisions.
    10. Repainted; He repainted the whole room.
    11. Disagree; I strongly disagree with his decision.
    12. Survival; I need to work on my survival skills in case something drastic happens.
    13. Centennial; We celebrated the centennial anniversary of the establishment of McDonald’s.
    14. Unusual; The things she tended to do were very unusual.
    15. Reprinting; I got sick of reprinting the same papers over and over because of the lack of ink in the printer.

  35. 1. The police was demanding the fugitive to turn his self in.
    2. He decline my offer after going through my work.
    3. The mail man resent the mail to the owner.
    4. The immigrate had came from a long away country.
    5. This guy had a prepaid phone on the parking lot.
    6. The man had to illustrate the picture to us.
    7. The basketball session was coming to a end.
    8. The citizens provided the homeless with food.
    9. He divided us into groups.
    10.The man mispainted the picture wrong.
    11. The man disagreed to my opinion.
    12. The survival program was about one hour long.
    13. The guy used his anennial to get in.
    14. I had this weird visual in my eyes.
    15. He misprinted the pictures wrong.

  36. Demanding- he was demanding to go home.
    Decline- his credit card was decline.
    Present- all his classmates were present.
    Immigrate- there were many immigrates.
    Prepaid- I prepaid money for my game.
    Illustrate- he illustrate me how do do my project.
    Vision- he had 20/20 vision.
    Provided- his mom provided a home for him.
    Subdivide- he subdivided to make sure he separated them.
    Repainted- he repainted the steps.
    Disagree- he disagreed about the construction plan.
    Survival- he ate bugs for survival.
    Centennial- he was centennial when he graduated.
    Unusual- it was unusual for him to cry.
    Reprinting- he had to reprint to his printer.

  37. 1.Demanding- My fourth hour teacher was demanding today.
    2.Decline- I always decline unknown people friend request on Facebook.
    3.Present- The things you do in the past can effect you in the present.
    4.Immigrate- The U.S is full of different cultures and immigrants.
    5.Prepaid- I need to purchase a prepaid card.
    6.illustrate- when I read a good book I always check to see who illustrated it.
    7.Illusion- I was amazed about the illusion I seen on the picture.
    8.Undevided- The united states stand Undevided as a nation.
    9.Repainted- I thought the kitchen would look better burgundy so I had Repainted it that color.
    10.Disagree- Me and my mom disagree on a lot sometimes.
    11.Survival- I learned about survival of the fittest in Biology.
    12.Unusual- My cousin dog was acting very unusual the other day.

    • 1. Demanding; My mom is so demanding
      2. Decline; i decline the food.
      3. Present; People are always in the past but you need to force on the present.
      4. Immigrate; Most people immigrate to United State.
      5. Prepaid: I had a prepaid card.
      6. Illustrate; The book had a good illustrate.
      7. Vision; My vision is every clear
      8. Provided: My mom provided food for me.
      9. Subdivide; I subdivide my folder.
      10. Repainted; .Most artist reprinting pictures
      11. Disagree; I strongly disagree with his decision.
      12. Survival; I know alot of people who survival.
      13. Centennial; He was centennial when he got that gift.
      14. Unusual; People are acting unusual everyday.
      15. Reprinting; i was reprintijg my work

  38. Tier 2 Vocabulary:

    1. What appalls me about this world is the killings and the fights. I say that because that’s just how I feel.

    2. A time I was taunted was by my brother.

  39. 1.Demanding… im very demanding
    2. Decline… i had to declined there frienship
    3. Resent… it was very recent
    4. Immigrate…my parents told me my ancestors had to immigrate
    5. Prepaid… i prepaid the rent
    6. Illustrate… he illustrate me how do do my project
    7. Mission… i had set up a mission
    8. Divided… The class is divided into four sections.
    9. Undivided… The other class was undivided though.
    10. Repaint… I had to Repaint the walls.
    11. Disagree… I disagree with the rules that were made yesterday.
    12. 12. Survival; I need to work on my survival skills in case something drastic happens
    13. Biennial… i am the definition of biennial i never really comes home to visit the family.
    14. Unusual… that was very unusual
    15. Reprinting… there repainting the house blue

  40. Appalled= overcome with fear

    Taunted= to tease

    1) What appalls you about this world? Why? i use to be very scarced of snake untill i was appalled once i seen one foreal.

    2) Describe a time when you have been taunted by another person. probably all thru elemetary that all lil kids do is taught each other

  41. 1) A scar is a mark left by an injury. How can a scar be both visible and invisible? a scar can be on your face or on you r chest and no one will see it

    2) Tell me about a scar that you have. Is it visible? How could it also be invisible?

    i have a scar on my head it is visible , but if your far away you cant see it so some times it is invivisble.

  42. 11 disagree- Me an my bestfriend danielle disagree sometimes.
    12 revival- I went to a revival for my church.
    13 sentennial- They had a sentennial.
    14 unusual-My friend jabari is very unusual but funny.
    15 reprinting- I had to reprint some more paper work.

  43. demading- my mom was demading when i ask her somthing
    decline- I was decline when people trying to request me on facebook
    present – the thing we do is the present
    immigrate – the U.S is full with immigrate people in the white house
    prepaid – I need to purchases my visa card
    illustrate- when i do my work i always check and see wht ilustrate i reading
    undevided- the people at the white house stand as a undevided
    Repainted – when my mom painted the color on the wall i thought it was repainted
    disagree- i disagre on lot of stuff.
    Survival. i learned about what survival in world history class
    unusual- my friend was acting unusual when i ask her somthing today.

  44. 1) Demanding – I Started Demanding To Know Where My Mother Was When I Heard Screaming

    2) Incline – I Put The Tredmeel On A Higher Incline To Get A Better Workout.

    3) Resent – I Resent All The Letters Because They Didnt Make It To The Right Person.

    4) Immigrate – We Had To Immigrate To A Different Pllace Because We Got Put Out Of The Library.

    5) Prepaid – I Had Prepaid For The Toys Because Christmas Was Next Week.

    6) Illustrate – I Had To Illustrate The Story Because Nobody Else Would.

    7) Mission – Im On This Mission To Make This Money.

    8) Divide – I Had To Divide 21 By 7 To Get 3.

    9) Subdivided – I Subdivided By 108 To Get A Smaller Number.

    10) Repainted – i Repainted Tghe Wall Because I Used The Wrong Color.

    11) Disagree – I Had To Disagree With Sam Because I Am Always Right.

    12) Survival – We Had To Take Baths In The Ocean For Survival.

    13) Centennial – My Middle School Celebrated It Centennial Year On July 4.

    14) Unusual – It Was Unusual For Her To Get An “F” Because She Always Studies.

    15) Reprinting – I Started Reprinting All The Papers Because They Came OUt Wrong.

  45. 1) Demanding – My parents were demanding for our chores to be done correctly.
    2) Incline – The hill was to ;high to climb because of it’s incline was to steep.
    3) Present – In my 7th hour class we have to present our presentation of the book we read.
    4) Immigrate – I knew a kid who was an immigrate from mexico.
    5) Prepaid – My moms new phone was prepaid a while ago.
    6) Illustrate – We had to illustrate a picture of our favorite animal.
    7) Tension – Thier was alot of tension on the basketball court.
    8) Provided – My grandmother made sure she provided me with the right type of watch for christmas.
    9) Undivided – I always here a teacher say they need our undivided attention.
    10) Repainted – I repainted my picture of the cardinal symbol because my brother destroyed the other one.
    11) Disagree – I disagree with my dad that if you get into a fight and lose then your grounded.
    12) Revival – During school breakfast is the revival of my hunger
    13) Perennial – When it rains in St Louis it is very perennial.
    14) Unusual – I think that if you could twist your arms around the back of your head more than once than that is very unusual.
    15) Imprinting – I left my imprinting of a dog on the wall of daycare when I was younger.

  46. 1) DEmanding-The teacher was demanding when she asked me to sit down.
    2)DEcline-The woman was mad when she found out her credit card was declined.
    3)REsent-The message failed and i resent it.
    4)IMigrant-St.louis was flooded with immigrants during the early 1900’s.
    5)PREpaid-when you pay something already and you leave and go back to it and just take it you just take it because you already paid for it.
    6)ILlustrate-when you draw a picture for something.
    7)MISsion-im going to make it my buisness to get money,
    8)DIvided-in math you use division.
    9)UNdivided-i gave him my undivided attention.
    10)REpainted-The amn repainted my house.
    11)DISagree-i dissagree with you decision.
    12)REvival-i have to go to a revival.
    13)PERennial-My birthday comes around every year.
    14)UNusual-Some people are un usual.
    15)REprinting-The picture messed up so i had to print them over.

  47. 1. Demanding- My bestfreind paris is always demanding.
    2. Decline- My sister declined my call.
    3. Resent- I resent the text message.
    4. Immigrate- My parents told me my great great grandparents had to immigrate.
    5. Prepaid- My mom prepaid my cellphone bill.
    6. Illustrate- I illustrated an art drawing.
    7. Mission- I had a mission to steal money from the bank.
    8. Povided- My mom provides me with food everyday.
    9. Subdivide- he subdivided the class so he can seperate the classroom.
    10. Repainted- Catherine repainted the house.
    11. Disagree- My cousin and I always disagree.
    12. Revival- I went to a revival.
    13. Sentennial- They had a senntennial.
    14. Unusual- Jabari was very unusual.
    15. Reprinting- The paper was reprinting.

  48. demanding: My boss was demanding at work.

    decline: I declined my flight yesterday mourning.

    present: Think about the future and present.

    immigrate: Ilegal immigrates cross the american boarder.

    prepaid: I only have prepaid minutes on my phone

    illustrate: I always see who the illustrater is before i read.

    illusion: I had a bad dream last night but turns out it was an illusion.

    undevided: Our principal ask for undevided attention.

    repainted: Immigrates repainted my roof.

    disagree: Me and a republican had a disagreement.

    survival: In the jungle its all about survival.

    centennial: I was centennial when i got an A+.

    unusual: This day was unusual.

    repainting: My art teacher is repainting.

  49. 1. A scar can be visible such as having a wound. It could be invisible by scarring someone permanently mentally.

    2. I have a scar that is visible and it’s my birthmark. It is red above my right eye. It is unique and it’s also considered an invisible scar because it is a footprint by my twin brother while we were in the wound together. It’ll never go away.

  50. Before reading

    1. A visible scar is physical and a invisible scar is mental.
    2. Yes , it can be invisible by overcoming what ever your facing

  51. 1.A mental scar can be visible and invisible
    2.i have a scar on my wrist , I got it when I fell on my scooter many yrs. ago. The scar can be invisible as well visible because I sheded a couple tears when it happened. -_-………

  52. 1)what appalls me about our world today is that people be killing people over stupid stuff
    2)when I was playing basketball and didn’t have the skill to do what other people did

  53. Appalled – I was Appalled at what my Friends Where Telling me
    Taunted – I was taunted when I was in elementary school because of my name .

  54. What appalled me about this world is what an how people do things in this world.
    I don’t think I have been taunted by another person.

  55. 1.) The cost of the mortgage appalled me when I saw my mother’s bill.

    2.) My little sister taunted me when she came around the corner.

  56. What appalls me in this world.?
    All the violence and killing,fighting that goes on in tis world.
    A time when I have been taunted by another person.?
    When I wore my hair this boy kept telling everybody I had a Jerry curl and everybody was laughing at me

  57. A scar can be visible an invisible if you show it or if you hide it.
    The scar I had I showed it n if I didn’t I will cover it

  58. A scar can be visible or invisible if you cover it up with something such as make up or something.Or you can chose to show it or not.

  59. Appalled : I was appalled when I found out my sister didn’t make me no pizza sticks.

    Taunt : My sister taunted me when I fell .

  60. 1.) The cost of the mortgage appalled me when I saw my mother’s bill.

    2.) My little sister taunted me when she came around the corner.

  61. A scar can be visible by it being physical. It can be invisible because it can be caused by someone dieing or your feelings being hurt by someone you loved.

    I have a scar but its not visible. It appeared on me when my great grandmother died.

  62. Before You Read :
    1) A scar can be both visible and invisible because you can physically see the the burn/scar and invisible because, you are still left with the memories and the pain of being looked at differently.
    2) I have a scar on my knee cap, and its lighter than my natural skin color. It could be invisible because I remember getting it, and I many be self-conscious about it.

  63. Tier 2 Vocabulary
    -What appalls me about this world is that everyone is getting killed for no reason in this world.
    – I’ve been taunted by my mom about something I said to her but it didn’t make sense nod it was funny cause i was so serious

  64. Before You Read
    – A scar can be visible by like you got in a car crash and in the crash you messed up your leg that scar is visible
    – A scar can be invisible by like you saw someone (Mom, Brother,Sister etc.) do something and its stuck in your head forever

    – I have a scar on my leg from when I was little and I saw a bat in the sky and I though it was going to come and eat me lol I fell on my knee. When I wear shorts that’s how it’s visible and it’s invisible when I wear pants

  65. I was appalled that the world is still races I don’t understand why they would make a fake Obama and hang him.I remember when I was taunted by a friend while I was in kindergarten.

  66. 1) What appalls me about our world today is that people be killing people over stupid stuff

    2) People taunt me everyday but l pay no attition to them and what they try to do to hurt me.

  67. A scar can be visible an invisible if you show it or if you hide it.
    The scar I had I showed it n if I didn’t I will cover it

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