Monday, November 5th, 2012: Tier 2 Vocabulary & “The History of Stink”


Students will learn Tier 2 vocabulary words and apply them.

Students will read critically about an interesting topic.

Students will practice summarizing

Reading Strategies & Applied Communications: Tier 2 Vocabulary

1) Productive=adjective=efficient, gets a lot done

2) categorize= to put in categories, smaller groups

Answer the following questions about your Tier 2 Vocabulary Words in the reply box below:

1) How can you be more productive after school so that you achieve good grades?

2) Almost everything  can be categorized. Give an example of a category (ex: fruits)and list 5 items that would fit in that category (ex: pear, apple, grape, orange, tomato).

Critical Reading Assignment:

Before you Read:

1) Why do people smell bad?

2) What do people do to make them stop smelling?

Article Link:

During Reading:

For each section of the article:


Smelly Spots:

America Cleans Up:

Sweat Stopper:

The Heat is On:

1) Summarize what was said

2) Find 2 words you did not know and define them using context clues

60 thoughts on “Monday, November 5th, 2012: Tier 2 Vocabulary & “The History of Stink”

  1. Katricebrown

    1.) You can be productive after school by getting tutored after school and you can get good grades.

    2.) school supplies can be categorizes by putting your papers, folders, pencils, pens, white out, and calculator in your backpack.

  2. 1.) You can be more productive by setting goals and prioritizing your time.
    2.)fruit, people, schools, colors, classes

  3. Vocabulary

    1) homework, study for tests and quizzes
    2) jungle cats: lion, tiger, panther, jaguar, and cheetah

    Before Reading

    1) People smell bad because they either don’t take showers or don’t wash their clothes.
    2) People make themselfs not smell by cleaning their body and clothes, also wear deodorant.

  4. Productive- I can be more productive after school by studying and getting all of my work and missing assignments finished before watching tv or talking on the phone.

    Categorize- I like to categorize my work because it keeps me organized.

  5. Productive-producing something
    I can do all my work an get an A
    Categorize-place in a particular class or group
    (Oranges grapes apple bananas )

  6. 1) have certain bed time so you can wake up earlier and more energized.

    2) snacks (cupcakes,candy,cookies,chips, donuts ,etc.)

  7. 1.I can be more productive by playing after school sports.
    2.sports games= basketball, tennis, rugby, football , football, baseball, etc.

  8. Before Reading: People smell bad because of bad hygiene. They don’t wash or shower daily. It could also be from smoking which causes bad hygiene.

    Shower daily, spray perfume, brush and floss teeth daily.

  9. By staying after to. Get more work done
    People sick cuz the don’t wash up
    They wash their body

    • Before Reading: People smell bad because they don’t wash their body or don’t care about their hygiene.

      What people do to make them stop smelling is spraying on smell goods and just maybe starting to wash up.

  10. People smell so bad cause they don’t want to take a shower or can’t take one
    To make them stop smelling they need to take a shower

  11. Certain people smell bad because they don’t wash or they’re to lazy to wash.
    To smell good you should probably wash where the actual smell is coming from.

  12. 1) I could study more and pay attention to the teachers more and focus

    2) drinks( juice,soda,water)

    1 people smell bad because they don’t care about there life and be thinking that its okay to smell like that

    2people can start taking shower and wearing something that’s smell good

  13. Most of the time people smell bad,because they never take baths they think they smell okay…..or some times they have some kind of problem and need to go to the doctor for it they just might cant help it.

  14. 1.Some people smell bad because they don’t take showers everyday and don’t have a good hygiene

    2.They stop smelling bad because they start taking care of there body.

  15. I’m not sure why people smell so bad I think they can’t help the way they smell .
    People go to the doctor and there doctor will give them pills so they can stop smelling bad .

  16. 1. You can be more productive by setting goals for the now and future

    2. Fruits: apples , bananas , peaches , grapes

    Before reading.
    1. People smell bad because they don’t shower.
    2. They use axe

  17. Introduction
    Summary: the summer ofn1912 was hot and people wore long clothes heavy suites they smelled bad sonar girl named Edna Murphy invented ordono

    Vocabulary: putrid, oppressive heat

    Smelly spots
    Summary:Europeans were the filthiest people in the world they did not like washing up at all people were afraid to bathe because of the black death

    Vocabulary: virtue, fetid

    America’s clean up

    Summary: by the 19th century water was running in homes a scientist by the name of Louis Pasteur found out about germs.


  18. 1) introduction
    In 1912 it was hot and people had on layers of clothes so they smelled bad but this teenager named Edna Murphy Invented Odono
    Vocabulary : plucky , antiperspirant
    Smelly spots
    Romans spent countless hours in bathhouse , getting clean
    Vocabulary : festering , secretion
    America cleans up
    19th century water running in homes made by Louis Pasteur found about germs
    Vocabulary pungent

  19. Celeste watts says:
    November 5, 2012 at 2:20 pm
    1.) You can be more productive by setting goals and prioritizing your time.
    2.)fruit, people, schools, colors, classes


    • 1)Demanding-I was demanding a right to vote.
      2)Decline-manny decline the offer.
      3)Absent-Mrs.Matthew was missing in action.
      4)Immigrate-there was a lot of immigrates in the United State.
      5)Prepaid-my prepaid phone was cut off.
      6)Illustrate-the teachers had to illustrate a picture for us
      7)Mission-I was on a money making mission

  20. 1. You can be more productive by setting goals for the now and future

    2. Fruits: apples , bananas , peaches , grapes

    Before reading.
    1. People smell bad because they don’t shower.
    2. They use degree

  21. You can be more productive by setting goals for your self and thinking about your future now while you’re young. I categorize my shirts,shoes,pants,and socks.

  22. You can be more productive by paying attention in class

    Fruit : pears oranges grapes peaches

    Before reading

    People smell cause they don’t have personal hyigene

    They need to use soap

  23. 1. You can be more productive by setting goals for the now and future

    2. Fruits: apples , bananas , peaches , grapes

    Before reading.
    1. People smell bad because they don’t shower.
    2. They use axe

  24. People smell bad because they don’t keep up with there personal hygiene and dont have personal items to help them with that. They take showers and use soap and then use deodorant and they should have a bottle of perfume.w

  25. 1. People smell bad because, they either don’t shower and or bathe their body… Or they don’t use deodorant. Making them musty.
    2. People use body sprays, deodorant, and a shower to prevent smelling bad.

  26. 1.) You can be productive after school by getting tutored after school and you can get good grades.

    2.) school supplies can be categorizes by putting your papers, folders, pencils, pens, white out, and calculator in your backpack.

  27. Productive- I could stay after school.

    Categorize- cars… Nissan, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche, Bugatti.
    They smell bad because they didn’t put deodorant on and they can stop it buy putting some on.

  28. Michael Atkins
    1.) You can be productive after school by getting tutored after school and you can get good grades.

    2.) school supplies can be categorizes by putting your papers, folders, pencils, pens, white out, and calculator in your backpack.


  29. 1.) students can be more productive after school by getting straight to their homework to get it done.
    2.) Ice Cream: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, mint, pecan.

  30. People smell bad because they don’t take a shower, or wash their clothes.

    What makes people smell better is when they buy exspensive body odor items

  31. 1) Productive- you can be productive by doing the right thiong meaning things that will benifit you.

    2) categorize- you categorize when you do work in school and when at a job, basically every day in every situation.

  32. 1.) Because when they sweat and don’t have enough water in they’re system the water that comes out our pours contain a salty smell. 2.)
    Drink more water.

  33. 1. The police was demanding the fugitive to turn his self in.
    2. He decline my offer after going through my work.
    3. The mail man resent the mail to the owner.
    4. The immigrate had came from a long away country.
    5. This guy had a prepaid phone on the parking lot.
    6. The man had to illustrate the picture to us.
    7. The basketball session was coming to a end.
    8. The citizens provided the homeless with food.
    9. He divided us into groups.
    10.The man mispainted the picture wrong.
    11. The man disagreed to my opinion.
    12. The survival program was about one hour long.
    13. The guy used his anennial to get in.
    14. I had this weird visual in my eyes.
    15. He misprinted the pictures wrong.

  34. 1) Demanding . I was demanding my students to do their homework .
    2) decline . My card was decline .
    3) resent . The package didn’t send so I resented it.
    4) immigrate . There are many immigrates from different country’s
    5) Repaid . I asked to get repaid after I didn’t like what I got .
    6) illustrated . I iilustrated a number one selling book
    7) vision . My vision is ever bad !
    8) Video . That music video was Freaky .
    9) undivided . Can I Have your undivided attention ?
    10) repainted . I repainted the Living room .
    11) disagree . I strongly disagree with Romney !
    12) Survival . This School is like Survival !
    13)Biennial . Maybe in biennial I can tryout for volleyball .
    14) unusual . It unusual for me not to have my phone everyday .
    15) reprinting . Since the printer is messed you now I have to start reprinting everything.

    • How I get my grades up is I study after school and ask for all the help I can get .

      Cherry , kiwi , coconut , banana , pamagrated ,

  35. 1Demanding – My best friend is always demanding some body.
    2Decline- I always decline unknown calls.
    3Resent- My teacher resent the email cause I didn’t get it the first time .
    4Immigrate- There are a lot of immigrates in the US.
    5Overpaid- When my sister goes to work she gets overpaid cause she works over time.
    6 illustrate- My teacher illustrate her work.
    7 mission- My mother always say she is on a mission.
    8 provided – I provided my work for my teacher.
    9 undivided- I gave my teacher my undivided in class.

  36. 1.) You can be productive after school by getting tutored after school and you can get good grades.

    2.) school supplies can be categorizes by putting your papers, folders, pencils, pens, white out, and calculator in your backpack.

  37. Joey paulk and how he was almost burned to death
    Steeled=preparing oneself for something bad
    Disfiguring=something that ruins your appearance

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